Welcome to the Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS) at UTA! We are here to help you succeed. The center is a safe place for you to achieve your academic and career goals while enriching one’s culture. We are proud serving the metroplex for the past thirty years. With your support and strengths, CMAS will continue flourshing at the University of Texas at Arlington. Remember, this is your casa at UTA.
Dr. Xavier Medina Vidal. Director of CMAS
Organizations linked with CMAS!
Bridging UTA and the Latino Community in DFW
UTA News en Español
Noticiero en Español del Departamento de Comunicación de la Universidad de Texas en Arlington. Producida y dirijida por los estudiantes de la Universidad. Las noticias están actualizadas durante el semestre del otoño y primavera. Haga clic en la imagen de UTA News para ver las novedades.
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“Students must have initiative; they should not be mere imitators.
They must learn to think and act for themselves-and be free.”
– Cesar Chávez